Our composting toilets are designed to have minimal maintenance and perform well whether you are based in a hot humid climate or the cooler parts of Tasmania. Rigorous independent testing ensures that you are receiving an outstanding quality assured product.
Insulated systems. Our multi awarded next-generation systems have an ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ wall, with an insulating air gap in between. Better insulation means the composting process operates more efficiently in hot or cold conditions. In a country as vast and diverse as Australia, this is an important consideration and one that is not, as of 2020, incorporated into imported toilets.
Blackness!. It’s no accident our tanks are black! Black absorbs all wavelengths of light and converts them into heat. Higher temperatures speed up the treatment process through "hot composting". Microbial activity (eg thermophilic bacteria) within the compost pile will result in finished compost in much less time.
Do you really want a plastic pedestal in your new bathroom, when you know nothing looks and feels better than a ceramic pedestal! That’s why most of our split system toilets include either a dry (waterless) or micro flush ceramic pedestal. We have a wide variety of options. Just check out our range of traditional and ultra modern designs and colour options.
With all the benefits listed above Ecoflo offers excellent affordability, particularly when compared with a traditional water wasting (aka flushing) toilet. As well as the huge savings in water, even our most expensive models are still less costly on an installed basis (tanks, pumps, trenching, electricity etc).
We offer our own Australian designed and built multi-award winning products and, where there are gaps in our product range, we supply the leading brands from Europe and N. America.
The Swedish Ecolet toilets lead the world in self-contained composting systems. The Sun-Mar toilets are imported from Canada. Sun-Mar is the only manufacturer of dedicated micro flush composting toilets (for those of us who feel the need to flush as part of toileting). Both brands, as well as our own Clivus Multrum, incorporate the most important requirement of a truly effective water saving composting toilet; internal mixing and aeration. All brands can be supplied with heaters for those parts of our beautiful and diverse country with particularly cold climates.
With the exception of our lowest cost systems, all of our toilets incorporate internal mixing. For cooler regions or high use situations there is a heating option which maintains a consistent temperature for the composting process.